
World Environment Day

Since 1972 every year, on the 5th of June, is celebrated the world environment day. With the aim of promoting an environmental strategy and alert as populations and organizations to the importance of caring for our planet.

For us, taking care of the planet Earth is one of the maxims by which we are governed, and since our principles have as main objective the sustainability of the environment and that a new life is an object that inevitably defines the garbage as destiny, we present our seed paper.

Dia do Ambiente In our catalog you will find the "Garden Friends", the "Plantable calendar" and "Postcards to plant". Our "Garden Friends" are small insects made from 100% recycled cotton paper were Basil and rocket seeds have been added, all they need to do is settle in the soil, watering them and leaving them aromatic at birth the paper.

Also our calendars were made from 100% recycled cotton paper, and were included in seeds of arugula, chamomile and thyme. So at the end of each month, instead of throwing the paper in the trash, you can sow it, ripping it up into small pieces and covering it with soil, and start eating edible flowers and flowers starting this calendar.

The same recipe is applied to our postcards, and it is possible that it will be transformed into life as your words.