Edible flowers? Try it!
The hot months come and the fields and gardens are all flowery. But did you know that there are flowers that are not only aesthetically beautiful but also edible and quite tasty?
World Environment Day
The World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5, but for us, the environment is important every day.
What should I plant in July?
The success of a good garden also passes by sowing flowers or herbs at the right time.
Grow at home, combining design with sustainability
Is there anything better than giving a gourmet touch to our dishes by decorating them with fresh herbs or small vegetables you've just picked? What if our vegetables or herbs also serve as decoration? Better yet, not? That's how we think in Life in a bag.
For you, for the world, we reduce in plastics.
From day one to Life in a bag, environmental component has a great importance, so we seek to use recycled materials that contribute to the sustainability of the environment in almost all our products.
There is life coming out of paper!
Sustainability and environmental protection are increasingly prevalent in our society, and based on these values, we have launched a calendar, postcards and small insects made from paper with seeds.
The benefits of microgreens for healthy eating
Microgreens, as its name suggests, are plants that are harvested even at an early stage, usually before 14 days of germination. That is, they are basically picked up at the moment when the first leaves are forming.
Tips to your garden
First of all it is necessary to know the space that the garden will occupy. One window? A bookshelf? A whole balcony?
And from there choose a place that receives sun for at least 4 hours a day and that is airy but does not catch much wind.
Here the hands are who works
All our products are handmade with lots of love. No handmade product will be the same as the other. It may be the same design, the same color, but there will be some difference, either in the loop or in the collage of instructions