Pote de cortiça para cultivar ervas, flores ou frutos
Grow Cork

Pote de cortiça para cultivar ervas, flores ou frutos

Comece a sua experiência de cultivo sustentável! 🌿
Grow Box Microvegetais

Comece a sua experiência de cultivo sustentável! 🌿

Tem um evento especial e gostaria de surpreender com algo diferente e original?
Grow Cork Personalizado

Tem um evento especial e gostaria de surpreender com algo diferente e original?

Garrafa de vinho reciclada com sistema de auto-rega
Grow Bottle

Garrafa de vinho reciclada com sistema de auto-rega

Envie mensagens que florescem no coração e na natureza! 🌱💌
Papel com sementes

Envie mensagens que florescem no coração e na natureza! 🌱💌

Sementes biológicas
Organic seeds

Sementes biológicas

Presente perfeito e para demonstrar carinho e afeto por quem mais gosta
Grow Bag

Presente perfeito e para demonstrar carinho e afeto por quem mais gosta

Since 2013, we have been offering the experience of sowing and watching your own herbs, flowers, or fruits grow. We contribute to personal well-being, a healthy lifestyle, and a more environmentally friendly planet.

Featured products

Wild Pansy Bottle Garden
12.90 €
Peppermint Grow Cube
13.90 €
Lavender Grow Cork
24.90 €
Mini Garden Basil and Coriander
34.90 €
"Thank You" with sunflower
12.90 €
Seeds of flowers - Pack of 4
11.90 €
Grow Bag Good Luck Clover
12.90 €
Plantable Bookmark - Set of 4
6.90 €


Do you have a special event and would like to surprise with something different and original?


Edible flowers? Try it!
The hot months come and the fields and gardens are all flowery. But did you know that there are flowers that are not only aesthetically beautiful but also edible and quite tasty?
World Environment Day
The World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5, but for us, the environment is important every day.
What should I plant in July?
The success of a good garden also passes by sowing flowers or herbs at the right time.